Monday, June 29, 2009

Module 8 Reflection

Of everything you learned, what do you think will have the biggest impact on student learning?


  1. I have learned so much! I think being able to add technology to my student presentations will be the biggest change, and having the students actually create a project, vs. just going into the classroom and lecturing.

  2. Of all the things I learned, I think just incorporating project based learning in general will have the biggest impact on my students. Having the tools to be able to incorporate into my classroom gives me the confidence to give it a try. I have learned many things that I will begin to play with but am not sure I'm ready to use in the classroom yet (i.e. wiki, blog). However, I'm glad that I have a basic understanding, and I will experiment and may be ready to use them sooner than I thought.

  3. My students always love the opportunity to use the computers and I now have some new tricks up my sleeve for them to do...I know they will like it and will be learning without even realizing it!!!

  4. The most important element I will take from this class is the knowledge about how to provide students with another way to be successful. With younger people being so tech savvy, implementing unit lessons via technology should bring in some students who have no enthusiasm for traditional classroom methods of delivery and implementation.

  5. Anything new I can use with my students provides one more advantage to their the variety makes it nice. I love the idea of posting projects. It's a neat way to share!

  6. Incorporating the projects and use of technology into what I teach will keep students interested and help them learn in a more "hands-on" environment. I think there will be something to reach every student and help them be successful. I have learned so much from this class that I can show my kids. We'll all benefit!!

  7. I have learned a lot! I think the overall impact will be the use of technology and being able to make and use brochures andnewsletters that look great. I will be doing several new projects including technology.

  8. Incorporating technology will be a great impact on the students because they are very familiar and fluent with it. Using technolgy will help the students express what they know in a more creative way.

  9. I think that what I have learned/gained from this class is feeling more knowledgeable and comfortable using technology in the classroom. As a result, this will impact my students. Our class has created some great units and I have gotten some great ideas to use in my classroom. I am glad we had the opportunity to share our work with each other. THANKS!!

  10. I am very excited to integrate more technology in my class. I have also gained more knowledge and confidence about using new forms of technology that I wasn't familiar with. It is good to feel "up to speed" on things for a change!

  11. I think the biggest impact is knowing there is a wide variety of things to utilize in creating an exciting and adaptable learning environment. We all know that technology is hard to keep up with, so having had some additional training in this area and getting to work with fellow teachers, nurses, etc. is a good thing. It's not the same old paper pencil anymore...woot!

  12. This class has taught me sooo much! However, the one thing that I think will have the biggest impact on my students is if I become more of a facilitator to learning than an instructor. By teaching them how to use technology & the other tools available to them, they will have learned skills that will be beneficial to them their entire life. Thank you for all of your work & patience! I've really enjoyed learning about all of the different types of technology & I'm so excited about implementing these tools in my classroom!

  13. This class has been a big help to me in showing how I can integrate technology into my music classroom. I had never thought how I could do that before now. Thank you, and hopefully I can do some of these projects with my kids.

  14. I am very happy about learning about the Wiki as a way to get our classroom activities out where others can see. I can see how it will be easier to use this unit plan outline a second time. I have a much better idea about the essential, unit and content questions and how they can guide the formation of a lesson or unit. I look forward to using a projector in my classroom. Last year I didn't even have a word processor/printer or PowerPoint with my computers in my room. Now I will insist on these things for my students. I can at least use what I've learned when we have computer lab time.
    Thank you for a very enjoyable and valuable course!

  15. Wow! Well, I'll try this one more time, and hopefully it will stick. What do I think will make the biggest impact on my student's learning? Well............... ME! And anything I learn to also bring into the classroom. So, it is great to learn new skills and try to integrate them into lessons, to further advance student's learning. This class afforded me such an opportunity to develop a new skill, therefore allowing me to find a way to augment what I alerady do!
