Monday, June 15, 2009

module 3--question 2

How can the creation of a student sample help me clarify my unit expectations and improve my instructional design?


  1. A student sample will help clarify instruction, handouts, supplies etc,. and provide diretion for the project

  2. It will help define what I am looking for and how I have taught the lesson and what I need to teach or re-teach

  3. The student sample will better help you modify your instruction. You will know whether you have effectively covered the material or you will see that you need to go back and reteach.

  4. It is a good way to get feedback on what exactly the students are learning and how much needs to be reviewed or revisited.

  5. It is essential to model for your students so they know what you expect. A model will provide a guide for students to refer to during the unit. Also, preparing a student model allows you to have a hands on experience with the model before you assign it to students. This will give you an opportunity to make change before hand.

  6. I know as an adult in a classroom, I want to know what is expected. Students in my classroom are no different. They want to know what I'm looking for and what they need to do to get a good grade.

  7. Many students are visual unit and will benefit from an example. Giving them a clear set of instructions and something to refer to will lessen their possible anxiety and let them know exactly what to do.

  8. Student samples help us make sure that content levels are met, that the activity is clear and measurable as well as engaging.

  9. The student sample would be good for students who aren't quite sure what to do just by giving them directions. Some may need to see exactly what they're supposed to do, rather than hear. I know for myself, I appreciate seeing exactly what to do, and many of my students like to see what we're doing.

  10. This will show the students exactly what is expected of them & what it should look like. This will make expectations clear & concise. The sample will serve as a model for the students & will help direct the project.

  11. For firt graders, modelling is essential! I often show examples and models of a project to help them understand what is expected for the end product. It's best to use one created by a previous student rather than one created by me. I usually remove it after showing it though to avoid them simply replicating the model without creativity or discovery.

  12. My school is a part of the Making Middle Grades Work initiative. Having student examples on hand is considered highly effective because it is a concrete example of what is expected. Although I don't provide an example when I use a unit for the first time, I have made it a habit to keep (and permission to use) one or two examples to show future students. Visuals offer an awesome way to explain the project in a way words can't.

  13. Through evaluation of student samples,I can determine if desired learning outcomes are being addressed. Then adjusting assignments and expectations can be based on student learning, interests, skills and abilities. Not only will students understand clearly what is expected, they will help determine the expectation.

  14. Examples of expectations help the students to visualize what they need to do. Written descriptions are sometimes vague and hard to describe accurately. Using samples of student work from previous years is also better than a teacher made example. Students can see that it is possible, and will meet the challenge that another student has completed.

  15. A student sample gives the students an idea of the expectation for the assignment. I like to see a sample to help guide my ideas to complete any type of project.
