Monday, June 8, 2009

module 1--question 1

How can projects help my students meet standards and develop 21st century skills?


  1. They develop skills they need.

  2. computer skills are extremely needed for studnets! The studnets will be meeting CSO's and they will not realize that they are learning needed skills.

  3. As I go back into the classroom, I am very concerned about preparing my senior students for the 21st century. The 21st Century Skills are vital for every student to have, but only have this year to ensure that they are prepared. My English 4 class, which is ssentially British Literature, is the only class in which seniors have to pass to graduate, and I want to make it as enjoyable as possible for the students. Using projects and technology in my classroom will help the students become more interested in the content of British Literature.

  4. I don't feel quite as stupid as I did when I walked in the door this morning

  5. I plan to create a unit I can use with techsteps,which will be mandated by Wood County Schools next year. These are part of the technology goals for 21st century learners. Helping first graders learn basic technology skills, will start them on the information super highway!

  6. The projects are a great way to reach all students. Kids these days multitask with iPods, games, Internet, and so much more technology, they don't feel very challenged (or sometimes very interested) at school. This helps them engage, focus, and stay interested.

  7. Students will be more excited through using more technology, more involvement in their learning based projects, and through differentiated assessment.

  8. Project-based learning will help our students develop higher level thinking skills necessary to be successful in today's world. It will help them learn how to work well in cooperative groups or teams & create more meaningful learning. It gives the students practice in developing & utilizing technology skills which is so vital in today's workplace.

  9. I work with special education students and they like using the computers. I have used powerpoint projects before and it was their favorite thing. They cooperated with each other and really had a lot of pride in showing their finished projects.

  10. Of course, by using the computer to do research and to share information is a 21st century tool. As I look over CSO's, prioitized curriculums and pacing guides, I see many overlaps that can connect standards in a meaningful manner.

  11. I was not happy with the computer abilities my students had this year. Most were barely able to link to an interactive website without me going around the computer lab and helping them. It would be fantastic if these skills were developed a little younger. I realize we can only work with the equipment we have in our county...but there is a huge difference between computer instruction between the schools.

  12. Again, the standards can be demonstrated just as easily through projects as they can be with the more traditional formats. It is simply a matter of what allows students to be creative, involved, interested, and excited.

  13. It's making what we do in the classroom relevant to the real world. We have alot of competition with gaming, tv and internet. Kids demand to be entertained constantly. Projects/learning should go hand in hand with their "need for speed".

  14. Students today are very computer fluent. If we can use these resources to teach our CSOs, I think that the students will be more engaged in the learning than with the traditional paper and pencil.

  15. This is a great way to incorporate technology CSO's with other CSO's. Also, students who struggle will be more motivated, I think, because most students seem to have a natural ability with computer skills. I agree with Lori that this gives students an opportunity to make the connection between self and the real world.

  16. Using technology to enhance their learning and assessment process helps them to participate in a way that most students would consider more motivating. Thus, they will be more apt to internalize the content and demonstrate their learning. In addition, they will learn life skills that will take them into the future. Technology skills are quickly becoming a must in our society.
