Monday, June 8, 2009

Module 1--Question 2

How can I use projects to enhance student learning?


  1. This is going to be so much fun!!!

  2. Students can actively participate and make it their own

  3. This will be great, my kids will love these new ideas! Studnets will be excited to participate and make something new and creative

  4. The push is to make learning a more hands on experience so students will retain what they've learned and see a practical application for it. Students will remember information learned through projects that were fun and educational! :)

  5. I am a very "visual" and "hands on" learner, and I believe the projects serve that purpose for teachers AND students alike. The project is more exciting to the students than just a "do this study guide and take the test" approach.

  6. I really try to use a hands on = minds on approach in teaching science. This will add a new element in addition to the many hands on experiments and other multi-media approaches I use.

  7. I think the projects will be a great way to make connections between subjects and the children's interests and strenghts. I plan to customize the projects to our school/community. I will be able to integrate reading and writing as the children these tools to express what they've done, not as a separate exercise.

  8. Projects are an awesome opportunity to make learning fun and relevant. In music class, I love it when kids ask what math, science or grammar has to do with what we're learning. It's all tied together!

  9. I can as easily use projects as I can the traditional paper and pencil. This gives students that have always lived in and been in a high-tech world an opportunity to feel that same experience within the classroom. It will likely make the students feel more at home and creative.

  10. Projects will provide a more relevant method for students to learn.

  11. I look forward to incorporating more technology into my science and social studies lessons. I think I could create "stations" and have my students rotate so everyone has an opportunity to use the three computers in our classroom. Students always enjoy working on coputers.

  12. I think that the project based learning will help every learning style that will be in my classroom. The material in these lessons that I create can adapt to the visual and auditory as well as the hands on students. This will be something the students will not be able to forget.

  13. It seems that students always enjoy hands-on activities more than any paper-pencil one. I'm really looking forward to using all of these new strategies to make learning more meaningful for my students!

  14. It will be interesting to see how this will work with music or band classes. Since some students don't want to know anything about music, they might enjoy this more than singing, or just doing rhythms in class. They could learn more about why we do rhythms and how the rhythms correlate to other subjects such as math.

  15. Students like doing projects and will work together and help each other This cooperation will result in learning.

  16. Projects give students more control over what they are learning, and how they can demonstrate their understanding of the objectives. All students don't learn in the same way, nor do all students test well. Projects allow flexibility to accommodate for that.
